telling the tales of the vagina…pt.1

vaginas aren’t gross, period.  no pun intended.  orgasms and birthing babies are two of the most glorious, liberating and speechless experiences that are direct results from the vagina.  who told or taught you that your vagina is to be treated like a second class citizen?  mine has been good to me, so i must remain good to her!  i must admit, this blog post took some time due to the research and recordings from my personal results.  if you’re a woman then you have a vagina – you must take care of her, period.  several days ago on instagram i posted about taking a mirror to look and examine your  vagina.  image  do you know how many ladies inboxed me stating how they have never taken the time out to look “down there”….a lot!  although all organs and body parts are important and should be taken care of regardless.  however, the vagina should be a top priority – if you’re a woman that is.  it’s no secret that I’m a pretty open individual when it comes to my beauty regimens and taking care of my body.  my vagina is sexually experienced, has pushed out three 7 lbs 12 ounce babies, decides to shed blood once a month and is constantly being washed and wiped several times on a daily basis.  detoxing her is so not an option, it’s a lifestyle requirement.

i decided to open up with my readers about my journey of vaginal steaming, detoxing and how I maintain a healthy pH for my beloved lady part.  first up – detoxing!  there are plenty of detox programs throughout the country, due to the increasing number of people who are becomeing more concerned about the negative health effects of life. we are exposed to chemicals in our daily lives, including products we topically use or ingest.  so society has turned to detox programs to aid in the cleansing of our bodies to rid them of harmful substances. vaginal detox is the most recent  innovation in the world of detoxing.  this process allows women to cleanse their most private area!  of course we’ve heard and know that the vagina is a self-cleaning organ, but having a vaginal steam bath is not a bad thing to experience.

to steam or not to steam image

the vagina steam bath has become the most common way of detoxing the vagina.  here in atlanta,  je-ju wellness sauna and spa (pronounced JAY-JEW), the organic vagi steam company, the sweet spot and ju-tox (all located in the metro-atlanta area) are were they perform the herbal vaginal steam cleansing. the organic vaginal steam company provides the service right in the comfort of your own home for those of you that aren’t quite ready to share your steaming with others.  my preference now is to be private and on the more exclusive side.  i’m no longer interested in the group thing.  my last couple of experiences has turned me off due to noise and the professionalism of the staff.

although this procedure is ritually done in many countries over the world, it has become another form of detoxing amongst westernized women.  eastern asian women steam after their monthly periods. this procedure is a centuries-old technique that has gained a rapid popularity in the holistic communities, wellness therapy clinics and spas. here’s the skinny:  women can go to speciality spas for the steaming.  they sit on a chair with a hole in the middle of the seat while steaming herbs infused in water is placed below this chair. mugwort, red raspberry, dong quai are just a few herbs that are included in the cleansing.  image

when i first heard of the vagina steam bath a few years ago, i was immediately interested.  my first time was with one of my girlfriends.  we were in this little room with a drape like poncho over us.  the procedure was very non-invasive and lasted about 40 minutes.  my girlfriend and i sat there in total awe of our vaginas being steamed by the way of a crock pot.  at one point, the steam got a little too much, but we were able to adjust the temperature.  we laughed like school girls and told inappropriate jokes and later compared notes on whether or not our significant others could tell a difference *wink wink*. side note ladies:  the higher the temperature does not mean the quicker the results.  your experience should be comfortable and pain-free.

i can’t lie, my vagina felt brand new.  who would i be to not examine myself after being steamed?  so, I grabbed a mirror and began to observe. just after one steaming session my vagina’s texture slightly changed – in a good way.  tightness was apart of the results along with a lighter menstrual cycle, no symptoms of my period cravings or bloating.  as for the internal results, my body by-passed the pre-period clear discharge that would occur when my body is dehydrated.  i still go once a month to have it done.  the cost of having a vaginal steam ranges between $35-$50.

it is said that the youngest a woman can be to get a vaginal detox is 18.  as for me, i was 33 years old when I was introduced and started the treatment.  however, i’ll probably introduce my daughter to the treatment after she turns 21 years old.  my recommendation is for you to find the right fit for your needs.  do not just go anywhere – cleanliness and santiation is top priority.  it’s okay to ask questions on their cleaning procedures, the process and time before booking your appointment.

how do you know if you need a vaginal detox

having frequent yeast or bacterial infections are usually the first sign that your vagina needs detoxifying. another sign is of vaginal irritation.  this can come from symptoms of toxic exposure.  for example, i wash my hands before i use the restroom to avoid germs from being transferred to my vaginal area.  

vaginal detox is said to alleviate and/or cures:

  • burning
  • redness
  • itchiness
  • discomfort
  • infertilty
  • bacteria vaginitis
  • yeast infections
  • hemorrhoids
  • menstrual cramps
  • fibroids
  • endometriosis
  • vaginal odor

to prevent vaginal toxic symptoms you should try to avoid using feminine hygiene sprays, use gentle no dye detergents on your undergarments, use dye free and artificial fragrance free soaps and wipe front to back after using the restroom.  if you’re having sexual intercourse between 3-5 times a week, having a vaginal steaming sessions should be schedule once a month after your cycle.

the bv issue and holistic douching methods

imagewhen I was seven months pregnant with my first baby I had bv.  my ob-gyn told me that bv is very common in pregnant woman due to the lack of dairy intake, the amount of carbs they are eating, not drinking enough water and also not wiping correctly due to the weight gain.  she prescribed me an antibiotic and the problem went away.  although i’m okay there are thousands of women struggling with this.  keeping in mind, this can be reoccurring if not dealt with.  there are a few common symptoms that include an excessive vaginal discharge, sometimes accompanied with a fishy odor, along with itching and pain during urination.  after researching this annoying infection, i found that experts are not sure what can cause the bacteria to get out of balance.  i found that there are certain factors that can increase a woman’s risk of the infection. factors can include: having more than one sex partner, a new sex partner, excessive smoking, and douching.  after reading, skip over to r beauty block for holistic remedies of that you can do to get rid of bv, vaginal odor and yeast infections!

ladies, this is only part 1, i’ll be posting post 2 shortly!  i do hope that you found this to be informative and maybe even helpful.  please feel free to leave comments or shoot me an email at  thank you for reading.


2 thoughts on “telling the tales of the vagina…pt.1

    1. It depends on you. If you don’t mind being in an open facility, then go there. But if you would like a more private experience, at home is the best option.


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